



2024-07-17 23:27:46 来源:网络


we walked and walked是什么意思???
walked⛳——🐍🕷:v. 走🌻|_🐪🙈,步行🐕‍🦺||😱,散步( walk的过去式和过去分词);(鬼魂)出现🐖——🐨🤨;陪伴…走🐱_🐲🌺;徒步旅行🤖🪱||🐪。walked造句🐬_🎍😨:We walked along the thames embankment .我们沿着泰晤士河的堤岸散步🦋_-🕸。Would you care to come for a walk with me ?您来和我一起散散步好吗?Ralph the rover was walking on the deck .海等我继续说🐄_🥋。


On the way,we walked,laughing and singing.??
We waited ages for a taxi.We gave up in the end and walked...
day,Sunday,my father and I went on an excursion.We took a bus and walked along the river.There's really a beautiful place!We walked beneath the deep bule sky and breathed the fresh air.And we climbed a mountain,seeing the beautiful sunlight brighten the land.At noon,my father等我继续说🐃🐪——-🌗。
back then there were no cars or bikes.we walked on foot wherever...
back then there were no cars or bikes.we walked on foot wherever we liked 当时没有汽车或自行车🌺|🎁🦘。无论我们喜欢哪里🐈😁|-🐁🐰,我们都步行去🎄|☁️,
We're the best of friends, and we share our secrets she knows everything that is on my mind Oh-oh lately somthing's changed as i lie awake in my bed a voice here inside my head softly says:chorous:why don't you kiss her?why don't you tell her?why don'y you let 说完了🌾🌒-——🧿🌵。
we played beach volleyball,swam,and walked.的意思??
B have a swim意为游泳.横线后提到in the water,说明是在水里.A在水里喝水肯定会淹死= =C在水里吃晚饭您觉得可能吗?综上所诉选B
Then with a bag of toys and books we walked across the garden in the gray light of the dawn.我们提着一口袋玩具和书籍⛈——-😴🤖,在晨曦中穿过了花园🎊|🐞。楼主是不是打错了🦙*_🛷,boy ? bag?